
About the Supporters

While it's certainly possible to work on your development alone, it's always better to do it with the support of others!

In Feedbach, we have a supporter role for the people in the organization who are responsible for professional follow-up, career development, coaching, sales, or others who can help consultants achieve their goals.

When creating a survey, you can choose whether the responses should be available only to yourself, shared with supporters, or the entire organization. You can change who has access at any time. Maybe you want to start with access to the data yourself, and then share with supporters once you see how the trends in the results are?

The Supporters

The individuals assigned to the supporter role should have the competence to develop others and be good at giving constructive feedback. They should also have the time to follow up and be available to answer questions and provide advice.

Being a supporter is a big responsibility. It's crucial that they are capable of establishing solid relationships and a high degree of trust.

Having Supporters

Supporters can view the surveys made available to them. There, they can communicate with the consultant through comments. However, it is important that this does not replace close dialogue and good conversations.

After a survey is completed and shared with the supporters, you can meet and review the results together. Here, the supporter can coach the consultant to reflect on the results. They can then set an improvement goal and create an implementation plan together. This work can be continuous, with new comments and reflections added along the way.

This improvement process continues throughout the goal period and for each new evaluation conducted. You can continuously update progress and development, and regular follow-up meetings with supporters are recommended.

When an improvement goal period is over, a reflection meeting should be held to evaluate whether the goal has been achieved or not, and to set a new goal together.

How Can Supporters Use Feedbach?

Supporters often have various other roles within the organization. Those who will be most closely connected to the functions offered by Feedbach are typically individuals responsible for HR, employee satisfaction, and career development. Being able to follow up on feedback from clients in a structured manner ensures that the focus remains on areas important to the customers.

Feedbach can also be highly valuable to individuals in sales functions, as it provides better insight into how the consultants perform daily. They can use results from Feedbach to address problem areas with clients, help set improvement goals aligned with the client's direction and needs, and identify client needs that can contribute to better customer satisfaction.

Additionally, results documented through Feedbach cards can be used in proposals, resumes, and other marketing materials to demonstrate documented customer satisfaction.