Feedbach for Clients
Feedbach is for you as a client!
Have you recently been asked to complete a survey by one of the consultants working with you? It's likely that several others on your team have received the same request. The reason for this is that the consultant you are working with is committed to doing a good job for you and therefore seeks feedback on how you perceive their performance in the categories of professional skills, knowledge sharing, impact on the work environment, and collaboration. These are areas we believe constitute the essence of the consultant role.
By gathering this feedback, the consultant gains insight into what is working well and what needs improvement. Once the data is collected, the consultant can, perhaps in dialogue with you, set improvement goals and define various activities to achieve these goals. You will likely be asked for a new evaluation in a few months to determine whether the consultant has made progress towards their goals.
The faact that the consultant is using Feedbach indicates that honest feedback is welcomed and valued. You should use this opportunity to let the consultant know how she or he is performing in light of your business' needs, both if you are happy with the work done, or if you would prefer improvement in certain areas. As we say, positive feedback is always nice, but getting constructive feedback gives awareness, which is much better than the oposite!